Elderflower and Earth
/Elderflower and Earth
Herbs offer a threshold to deepening our connection to the erotic and the spiritual connection available there. I have written a series of essays celebrating an herb and an element and their beautiful dance together. May you find the beauty in your own elemental dance.
Elderflower and Earth
I surrender to the deepness of the night. Black sky spiraling above my tangling branches. Black earth holding me and pulling me deeper, closer. A heavy, sweet breath stirs my new green leaves and I experience the fleeting caress of air. I sway imperceptibly . I feel the shift and tilt of the universe through her breath. Then the warm moistness of the Earth between my rootlet s, the most sensitive aspect of my being, the newest parts of my ancient self that find undiscovered ways of searching, of questioning, of living. I am raw as tiny stones push into the endings of my pulsing extremities. She draws me in tightly and I would have been unable to resist even had I wanted to. We have been lovers through the waxing and waning of many moons and through the luscious unending gifts of sun and rain. We know each other’s bodies intimately yet find delicious newness in each encounter. How will I ever be able to know all of her? How will she ever find a new place that she has not yet touched? My leaves tremble and this time it radiates from my center as the familiar vibration of her throbbing center touches me. We remember each other through our senses, through touch and scent, bold and musky. Through the primal throb and the salt-tinged fluids. I relish in the beauty of the clarity of her touch and the newborn feeling it ignites. A beloved and long-held lover with an inspired depth of ways to put her fingers on me, in me, around me. So even through the ages, she is fresh and fertile and I am pliant under her Earthen embrace. We dance as the star-infused night holds us and whispers ancient secrets. My trunk trembles and hums, beginning at the very tips of my being and slowly, agonizingly, blissfully makes its vibrating journey higher and higher and higher. The heartbeat of her embrace moves a part of me I didn’t even realize was stagnant. I am transformed as the dam bursts, and now the waters of life, and of a love more primal and deep than words can express, that can only be felt through her silken, fecund touch, wash over me. I quiver and the waters rush forth, energy from the center of her into the center of me. My green blood flows quick and strong and the opening becomes wider and the flow becomes an ache of desire that is beyond all else. As it peaks, my lover the Earth, releases me and infinity holds me in the palm of her hand. When I return to the cherished soil, allowing her to once again surround me, envelope me, hold me, I feel the new heaviness and the new lightness above me and I smile. My buds have exploded into the umbels of a new cycle. Delicate blossoms of elderflower decorate the branches that sway softly in the breath of a new day.