Autumn Equinox Traditions
/Autumn Equinox Traditions
The Autumn Equinox falls halfway between the Celtic festivals of Lughnasa and Samhain, which also means we are moving from autumn (the season of Lughnasa) and spiraling toward winter, the season of Samhain. This year the equinox falls on 22 September, the day that the sun moves into the sign of Libra.
The equinoxes are astrological occurrences and several Neolithic sites around Ireland are aligned with the sunrise or sunset of the Autumn Equinox, the most famous, perhaps, being at Lough Crew in County Meath with a cairn on the summit of one of its sites that has an inner chamber illuminated at sunrise.
Equinox means equal and marks the time of equal day and night, equal light and dark. It is a time to consider the balance in your own life. Where might you feel out of alignment with your own authentic voice or offering to the world? Where might you draw in practices to balance work and play and rest?
The Autumn Equinox is a time of full harvest, of bounty and of giving gratitude for the abundance in your life. It a time to forage for berries, nut and fruits as well as healing herbs and seaweeds to dry and have on hand in your home apothecary. It is a time to gather in community for a shared foods feast made with homegrown and seasonal foods. A time of reflection and celebration, happy autumn equinox!