Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox falls on September 22 this year and is determined by the day that the sun moves into Libra, as it is an astrological occurrence.  The equinoxes were celebrated by our pre-Celtic ancestors and later integrated into Celtic practices.  These Neolithic people built stone structures like dolmens, stone circles and tumuli (sacred mounds/ cairns).  Many of these mystical stone creations are in alignment with the equinoxes or solstices. 

In County Meath in Ireland a sacred site called Slieve na Cailleach (Hill of the Hag) or Loughcrew is dotted with stone circles and at the top of one of the hills is a cairn, decorated with Neolithic art.  Its entry aligns with the sunrise of the autumn equinox: the rising sun penetrates through the entry passage and illumines an inner chamber on this day and the days surrounding the equinox, before the sun shifts and the wheel turns.

Connect with the season by spending time in Nature and with each of the Elements.   Nature’s bounty is profound and breathtaking at this time and I recommend taking an hour to create an autumn wheel that embodies each of the elements then spend some time reflecting on the questions offered below.


Autumn Elemental Wheel

Using all found objects from Nature, begin by creating a circle, perhaps about a foot (12”) in diameter.  Then put a cross in the center of the circle, creating four different segments, each representing an Element.  The upper right quadrant will represent Air, then moving sunwise (clockwise) around the circle, next will be Fire, then Water, then Earth in the upper left quadrant.  You may also elect to put an offering in the center of the wheel which represents your higher self. 

Take a meditative walk, embodied on the Earth, breathing in the Air, feeling the warmth of Fire on your body, the living waters within you.   Open the eyes of your heart and gather leaves, flowers/ petals, grasses, stones and other found objects to represent each of the Elements and then place them in the appropriate quadrant in your wheel/ circle.  Placing something to represent your higher self in the center, if that calls.

Spend as much time as you can to co-create this with the Elements and Nature.  Then open your journal and reflect on the following prompts:

1.      In creating with Nature, I discover…..

2.     As the rhythms of the days bring a balance of light and dark, I acknowledge….

3.     As the night falls sooner and the days are shorter, I anticipate….

4.     With the falling light, I realize….

5.     I celebrate the bountiful harvest which I have grown this year.  I am harvesting….

6.     The trees surrender their leaves to move deeper inward, so that I may do the same, I will shed….

7.     I love the dark for….

8.     I give blessings to the gift of light especially….

9.     This season I will…



Autumn Equinox Ritual

Ritual intention: To engage and encourage the energies of sacred balance

Supplies to gather: rose petals, garden sage and mugwort for incense, candle, journal, pen, extra sheet of paper,

For the element of Air: Blend equal parts of rose petals, garden sage (please do not use white sage unless this is an herb of your indigenous tradition) and mugwort, to burn on an incense charcoal, representing the sacred wisdom (mugwort) of the divine feminine (rose) and the divine masculine (sage).   Light the incense and breathe deeply to engage presence.  Calling in balance, within and without, as you sit in the presence of these allies.

Presently, write down these words and recite three times “The earth remembers the sacred balance, the exquisite harmony found in light and in dark, discovered through the dance between the masculine and the feminine.  So may I.”

For the element of Fire, light a candle, watching the primal flame, within that flame see the harmonious dancing of the masculine and the feminine.  Reflect on this balance reflected in light and dark.  

On the separate piece of paper, write down three things you will personally do to restore harmony to the Earth, to bring balance and equality.

For the element of Water, read your pledge of harmony out loud, with your guides, ancestors and the Earth herself as witness (plus any other community who may have joined with you). Sit quietly, receiving their support, feeling their energies swirling within your own living waters, your DNA which connects you to them.

For the element of Earth, fold the piece of paper three times and bless it in the sacred smoke of the incense, in the flame (although do not ignite the paper, only bless it with the fire) and with your kiss of promise.  Place this piece of paper under a stone or crystal or other gift from Nature, that has significance for you personally.  Keep this on your altar through this turning of the Wheel, reading it often, living into your pledge.   At Samhain, bury it in the Earth. 

And may it be so.