The wheel of the year ever turns and winter inevitability moves into spring: Imbolc beckons.
On the linear, modern calendar, Brighid’s (her name is also spelled Brigit, Brigid, Bhride) festival day, Imbolc, is celebrated beginning at dusk on January 31 and throughout February 1. Her Christian feast day, often called Candlemas, is on February 2. Our ancestors used lunar alignment prior to the patriarchy and the solar-based Gregorian calendar that we now widely follow. Lunar Imbolc falls on the Aquarius new moon and cross-quarter Imbolc (which is the date 1/2 way between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox) is 4 February. Moving into the season of Imbolc is a portal of time, not a fixed date.
Embodying Brighid
Connect with Brighid through the Elements to deepen into work with her.
Select an aspect from the Element that corresponds with your sun sign to begin and work with her in that way for at least a moon cycle, experiencing her embodiment there, within and without.
Air signs= Aquarius, Gemini, Libra
Fire signs= Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water signs= Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio
Earth signs= Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Acknowledge Brighid in the Element of Air:
• Wake up at dawn and greet the day, acknowledging Her presence in the new light
• Write a poem
• Breathe Her in, share your breath with Her
• Sing
• Make and burn incense made with Her favorite herbs: dandelion, rose, blackberry, nettle
Acknowledge Brighid in the Element of Fire:
• Take time at noon, acknowledging Her presence in the peak of day
• Light a candle, kindle a hearth
• Do something that requires courage
• Dance
• Take a vigorous walk in Nature
Acknowledge Brighid in the Element of Water:
• Pause at sunset, acknowledging Her presence in the liminal twilight.
• Give thanks for water: out of your tap, rain, wells, oceans
• Indulge in a ritual bath or footbath
• Make a cup of herb tea with her favorite herbs: dandelion, rose, blackberry, nettle
• Comfort the sad, aid the sick
Acknowledge Brighid in the Element of Earth:
• Before sleep, acknowledge Brighid and ask for her protection
• Offer hospitality
• Plant a tree (plant many!)
• Tend to the Earth: re-use, recycle, pick up litter
• Make your home a sanctuary