With my pilgrimages and schools in Ireland, I feel so blessed to bring people to a place of our ancestral roots and spiritual heritage. It is a gift to guide them, to share this resonant landscape, the holy wells and sacred sites, to gather every morning in circle to drink tea and set intention through ritual. Throughout my years of journeying and living here I have discovered that pilgrimage is as much a way of life as it is a place and time out of time. I meet an intimate pilgrim group on the wild edges in Ireland in few weeks to celebrate the turning of the wheel and the arrival of Beltaine. For 13 years I have lead and participate in pilgrimage and everso I deepen into my commitment to live life as a pilgrim, always, not just during pilgrimage. I believe in walking through the world as a pilgrim, every day, allowing these philosophies to guide our way on.
For me, the roots of living as a pilgrim means participating instead of consuming.
As pilgrims of life participating, we interact with our environment, with the land and the landscape, with the Elements and the ancestors. We interact with our own inner journey instead of just taking, taking, taking (pictures, social media, books, courses, what others are doing) to keep us distracted and at the surface. We give gratitude and reverence, even and especially through the challenges. We are present to give and to receive. We give ego a much-needed rest and let her move to the back seat (or send her to a cozy nest to sleep and rest for a bit). We participate, have deep conversations, share the gift of listening, not just with our ears but with our hearts and souls, not just to the words but to the non-words drifting in the breezes, carried by the tides and rustling through the trees and in the raven’s call.
Other philosophies that spearhead my pilgrimage journeys and my life:
· EXPECTATION. Release expectation as much as possible. This allows you to live more fully and more present into the experience. If you have preconceived notions that it is going to be this way or that way or your way, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment. Pilgrimage teaches us how to live in each moment, as, really, that is all that we have. Living as a pilgrimage teaches presence.
· INTENTION. Do what you do, with intention. Whether it is shaking out the rug or sweeping the stoop each morning to clear out yesterday’s energy or lighting a candle with an affirmation for your day. With intention, we remember the power of simplicity. These seemingly simple things have power and consequence.
· INTEGRATE. Instead of consuming the soup and immediately moving on to dessert, take the time to allow it to digest first (and the dessert will taste so much sweeter!). Journey outward and as importantly journey inward to fully receive the nourishment. Give yourself space and time to reflect and receive.
· SILENCE. And stillness. No phones, no TV, no music even. Sit still. Listen. It doesn’t have to be for long (don’t take on the heroic Buddist tradition of needing it to be hours a day). It is more about the intention and the quality. Our souls ache for silence and stillness.
· LAUGHTER. Laughter is one of Brighid’s favorite healing modalities and let us laugh and giggle and be silly, too! Having intention and reverence does mean total seriousness and grimness. Play and laugh, engage your maiden self (oh the wisdom she has!). Allow the healing of laughter be a threshold to take you deeper.
Now it is your turn to participate!
1. Consider ways in which you consume. Of course, the capitalistic, material ways (bringing your own bag does matter!). And too the mindless consuming of information, media, food, alcohol etc. What is one practice you can shift from consuming into participating?
2. What are your own philosophies for living? Not necessarily your mission or values but your core, rooted beliefs for living?
3. Consider how you will live your life as a pilgrim. Finish these statements with one (simple) practice that you will commit to integrating into your life and thus, how you will live:
I will _______________________ (the practice you will engage and participate with)
I am ________________________ (the way you will live as you live this!)