Dandelion and Fire

I’ve waited for this moment.  Curled in a tight bud of possibility, anticipating the mystery of the primordial dance to show itself.  I don’t want to know why or how or when.  I only want to be in faith, in trust, with the unknowing knowing that, yes, the opening will happen.  Yes, the mystery and possibility of my presence here will be revealed .   Then… the touch.  Ah, delicious satiating touch.  The warmth starting at the tips of my pointy green leaves, teasing at first as the orb gains height, and then more and more demanding as the fire moves higher. 

My leaves ache with the relief of deep nourishment, green blood pumps from tip to core.  Pumps and flows, from quivering leaf to solid root, nestled in fecund Earth.  Fire of life reaches his searching fingers and touches me in a way I remember yet it’s new this time:  a subtle, sublime difference that makes all the difference.  Sharing with me a kiss of intimacy, probing deeper and asking for an opening.  In that space, that void, all exists.  What has been a whisper of potential now slowly, powerfully, reveals its source.  I feel its rumblings in my center.  I feel the flame coaxing, demanding, licking this part of me. 

Surrounded by the protection of my rosette of green, toothed leaves, I allow the fire to transmute.  I am a piece of metal at the forge, becoming melted, molten liquid, puddling in the possibility of what shape I will emerge in to.  Hot and red orange yellow merging together, allowing fire to make all of my parts indistinguishable, undefinable.  Then the fire sways, moves in the ancient flame.  His touch now is less demanding.  It is through the soft caress of love that I am fully realized.  How have I not known the gentle embrace of adoration until now?  In surrendering and merging, I have discovered the passion the sun feels for me.  Soft passion, hard loving.  Soft loving, hard passion. 

I reach inward, into the spiraling depths of my oneness-   touching the lava center of the Earth, experiencing the flow of rivers in my body, feeling the breath of fire and light.  And then, at last, I am able to fully open.  I unfurl, reaching, knowing my full potential exists in the arms of fire, of love and passion, courage and transformation.  I uncurl, undo.  I am the shimmering of my new self.  I take form.  His passion ignites, the caress of his rays moves the downy newness of a thousand golden petals, arms outreached to receive him.  My dandelion flower celebrates this exquisite moment, of being all, knowing all. 

The fire, the light, the sun grasps each petal and we dance.