Elderflower Rose Beauty

Elderflower Rose Beauty

I have been creating my own herbal skincare products for almost 20 years and I honestly never ceased to be amazed and delighted by the wonders of the herbs and how our skin responds.  Our skin is our largest organ and yearns to be nourished and fed from the outside just like our internal appetites crave delicious wholesome foods (and sometimes whiskey and chocolate!).    

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Brighid Was A Herbalist

Brighid Was A Herbalist

Brighid was a herbalist and engaged with the wild weeds to nourish and heal body and spirit.  We are hearing evidence everyday where these herbs are offering vital components to overall vitality and wellbeing.  These herbs grow in our own backyards, along the hedgerows and in meadows and fields.  These herbs are wild and free medicine that we have used for thousands of years and are beckoning us to use once more.

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Sacred Ogham Tree of Ireland: Birch

Sacred Ogham Tree of Ireland: Birch

In forest and in gardens, the silver-barked birch trees stand sentinel during these waning days of Winter.  It won’t be long now before the buds will be apparent, especially in Ireland, as birch is one of the first trees to burst forth with the gift of new life and spring awakenings.  Birch, known as Beith in Irish, is a tree of the transition of the season of Samhain (winter) to Imbolc (spring).  It is the third tree of the ancient lunar Ogham Tree Calendar and represents the Ogham alphabet letter B.

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Samhain Traditions

Samhain Traditions

Samhain, beginning at dusk on 31 October, spirals us into the winter season of the ancient Irish calendar.   Our Celtic ancestors believed that beginnings began at sunset, or at the end of the day, heralding going into the dark before celebrating the rebirth into the light.   With these same intentions, Samhain is also known as the Celtic New Year, inviting us to slow down, move inward, to nest and rest and dream what we hope to give birth to in the spring.  In the Samhain garden at Brigit’s Garden, the serene Leaf Woman sculpture epitomizes this stillness.

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Healing Ogham Tree: Elder

Healing Ogham Tree: Elder

Elder trees line hedgerows, grow in ancient monastic infirmaries and protect sacred sites here in the West of Ireland.  .  Elderberries, a favorite herbal medicine of the winter season for body and spirit, give of their healing nourishment and align with the energies of the crone, the ancient wise woman who guards the door to the Underworld, to shadow and to the dark inner mysteries.  As we spiral into the season of Samhain and begin to move inward, to reflect and rest, to dream and nest, elder is an ally to help us to connect to the ancient rhythms of the season.

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